Lexi Meadows Photography

Feb 1, 2019

Newborn Photos; A side by side comparison of Lifestyle and Studio Sessions

Here at Lexi Meadows Photography, I am happy to offer 2 types of newborn photo session opportunities. I'm going to breakdown the different session types in this blog to help you decide if you are having trouble settling on which one would be best for you! The good news is that both session types feature all of the same elements, but differ stylistically and in execution (that's where I come in :)). Family portraits, baby portraits, newborn details, sibling pictures, and photos with each parent are included in both lifestyle sessions and studio sessions. Portraits and candid, emotive photos are included in both sessions, but this blog will mostly focus on the portraits that are included with the session. The main differences in the sessions are the backdrops and the individual images of baby, herself.

1. The Family Portrait


Typically, I provide a sitting and/or standing family portrait where everyone is looking and smiling at the camera, as you would expect. I also facilitate both fun and intimate moments to capture more authentic emotions between family members. In a lifestyle session, the master bedroom bed, family room couch, or nursery are used for the family portraits while an all white open space is used for the studio family pictures. The family pictures on the left are lifestyle and the studio session is on the right.

Lifestyle on left; studio on right

2. The Sibling Shot

All of the same sibling poses can be used in either studio or lifestyle newborn sessions. As with the family pictures, the main different is the backdrop. When the big sibling is not old enough to hold baby, a basket prop for the baby can be used in studio while a bed or chair is used in your home. The way siblings are posed depends on our big brother or sister, their age and ability, and their interest in the session. I keep this fun for the sibling but I also don't press them to do more than they are happy with!

Lifestyle on right; studio on left

3. Pictures with Mom

Images of motherhood are probably my most favorite images no matter what age and regardless of location. Capturing a new mom bonding with her newborn is the most precious gift you can give to your children and to yourself. Time is spent to capture these authentic nurturing moments as well as a portrait where Mom is smiling and looking at the camera.

Lifestyle on left; studio on right

4. Pictures with Dad

Dad's bring so much fun to a session! One of my favorite things to do with Dad is to incorporate his hands into pictures as a symbol of stability and security. As with the other categories, both portraits and candid pictures are included in the session.

Lifestyle on top; studio on bottom

5. The baby portrait

The close up portraits of baby are where you will see the most difference between studio sessions and lifestyle photography sessions. In a studio session, about 2/3 (about 2 hours) of the session is spent on posing the baby on the white fabric backdrop and in various bowl and crate props. The baby can be naked, swaddled, or partially swaddled in a studio session where as for a lifestyle session, the newborn stays swaddled for the majority of the session. Regardless of the type of session, you will get close ups of your new baby including their sweet feet, hands, lips, and eyelash details. For the studio session it is important that the baby is between 5-12 days old to accomplish these sleepy poses. In lifestyle sessions, the baby can be up to 4 weeks old.

Lifestyle on bottom; studio on top

6. Other details

Families have different reasons for the style of photography they choose for thier newborn, but one of the driving factors I have found is when parents want to include images of the nursery, other elements of the home, or their beloved fur babies (i.e. dogs).
