Lexi Meadows Photography

Mar 7, 2019

In-home Newborn Photography

If your nursery looks anything like this one, then I would highly encourage you to choose a lifestyle newborn session over a studio newborn session. Or for those of you who can't decide, I offer a combo posed + lifestyle session too ;) just keep that in your back pocket! Nesting is a real thing. When you're pregnant, it's like you have all of this love inside of you, but no baby to pour it on yet, so you lovingly choose and design all of the details of your baby's coming into the world party. The outfit that she will wear to go home, the nursery that she won't sleep in for months, personalized details if you can ever decide on the perfect name, and so much more! That beautiful wall art was designed by a member of the family and tied together all of the colors and softness of the nursery. I love incorporating personal and meaningful items in to newborn photos!
